Fodor pays the utmost attention to the quality of its products. In the unlikely event that a device develops a defect, please first check our frequently asked questions page to see if the problem can be resolved this way.

If this does not solve the problem, please contact the dealer from whom the product was purchased. Keep the purchase invoice, device type and complaint description at hand.

Does the device have a defect? The device can then be submitted for repair to the dealer where the product was purchased. You can also contact our service center in Rotterdam (NL) directly.

Deliveries of goods

Electronic Repair Rotterdam
Anthonetta Kuijlstraat 15
3066 GS in Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Monday to Friday :
8:00 AM – 12:30 PM &
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday :
T: +31 (0)180 471 155

Contact Form

Thank you for contacting us, we will respond as soon as possible!